
Summer 2021, Tanzania

looking towards the receding 'Rebman Glacier' from the summit
group pic at one of our first camps
our family friends from jackson hole looking cheerful
looking up towards the long summit hike from School Hut camp
some kind of cool bird
the start of our summit trek at ~12 midnight
early morning sunrise from the first campsite on the mountain's plateau
me at the summit
sunrise coming up as we make our final steps to the summit sign
one of our mountain guides ontop a rock
me and our sick guide Dominique on a side-hike
our group getting ready to hike in the morning from the breakfast tent
sunrise over kilimanjaro on one of our far-out Northern-Circuit route camps
milky way overtop one of our plateau campsites early in the morning
a typical trail on kilimanjaro from the rainforest to the plateau zone
the view of the melting snowpack about 300 yards from the summit sign
the final steps to our 3rd to summit campsite
late night gathering for dinner within the food tent
first group to reach the top at 6:30 am. I'm on the bottom left!
Photos taken with a Sony A7RII and my Sony FE 24-105mm f4.0 lens :)