CS :: Jacob → [String]
There also exists a coffee endofunctor, Coffee :: (Monad m) => x -> m x, from which this
website is a corollary of its existence. Additionally there is a natural transformation
η :: a . Coffee a -> Alcohol a, where Alcohol is a contravariant functor to the Lazy
category. This forms a 'dinatural' Transformation :) Unfortunately the Alcohol functor
has side-effects (namely liver damage), so the diagram technically wouldn't commute...
CS :: Jacob → [String]
There also exists a coffee endofunctor, Coffee :: (Monad m) => x -> m x, from which this website is a corollary of its existence. Additionally there is a natural transformation η :: a . Coffee a -> Alcohol a, where Alcohol is a contravariant functor to the Lazy category. This forms a 'dinatural' Transformation :) Unfortunately the Alcohol functor has side-effects (namely liver damage), so the diagram technically wouldn't commute...