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“Learning as a Hobby”  

A projection of the 8-dimensional E8 root system, the remarkable Gosset 421 polytope, performing an 8-d rotation from the exceptional lie group G2.
Jacob Bruner

Jacob Bruner is a 19 year-old student currently studying at Duke University—with his roots in New York City and Wyoming. During his studies, he is exploring his various creative interests through his out-of-school self-study and projects. During the summer of his freshman year, he is working as a Software Engineer at Fermat Capital Management. He would best describe himself as an interdisciplinary thinker, who thrives on his inability to stick to one thing. The culmination of these efforts is a wide variety of projects demonstrating his ability and understanding across a range of fields, including some more STEM-oriented and some more humanities oriented. Explore this website to find out more!
